答复: Camel-Activemq Depoly in ServiceMix Error: class ActiveMQComponent not found
Wang Song
2017-08-18 04:14:02 UTC
hi every one, i sloved the problem, accrording the stackoverflow question:

1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24645890/java-lang-classnotfoundexception-org-apache-activemq-camel-component-activemqco

[Loading Image...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq ...<https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24645890/java-lang-classnotfoundexception-org-apache-activemq-camel-component-activemqco>
I tried to deploy a sample activemq application into karaf.While deploying and starting the bundle i got this error.please help me to solve this. I have installed all ...

1. change <packaging>pom</packaging> to


2. add plugin config:


thank you!

·¢ŒþÈË: Wang Song <***@hotmail.com>
·¢ËÍʱŒä: 2017Äê8ÔÂ16ÈÕ 6:45:46
ÊÕŒþÈË: ***@servicemix.apache.org
Ö÷Ìâ: Camel-Activemq Depoly in ServiceMix Error: class ActiveMQComponent not found

When I deploy a camel-activemq demo to servicemix, it show the Error:
¡°Cannot find class [org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent] for bean¡­¡±
ServiceMix INFO
OS: windows 10
Version: servicemix-7.0.1
9 | Active | 50 | 5.14.5 | activemq-karaf
10 | Active | 50 | 2.6.3 | Jackson-annotations
11 | Active | 50 | 2.6.3 | Jackson-core
12 | Active | 50 | 2.6.3 | jackson-databind
22 | Active | 50 | 3.1.4 | activeio-core
23 | Resolved | 50 | 5.14.5 | activemq-blueprint, Hosts: 25
24 | Active | 50 | 5.14.5 | activemq-camel
25 | Active | 50 | 5.14.5 | activemq-osgi, Fragments: 23
38 | Active | 50 | 1.1.1 | Apache Aries Transaction Manager
40 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-blueprint
41 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-catalog
42 | Active | 80 | 2.16.5 | camel-commands-core
43 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-core
44 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-cxf
45 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-cxf-transport
46 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-jms
47 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-spring
48 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-xstream
49 | Active | 80 | 2.16.5 | camel-karaf-commands
51 | Active | 50 | 3.2.2 | Apache Commons Collections
52 | Active | 50 | 2.0.1 | Commons JEXL
54 | Active | 50 | 3.5.0 | Apache Commons Net
55 | Active | 50 | 1.6.0 | Commons Pool
56 | Active | 50 | 2.4.2 | Apache Commons Pool
94 | Active | 50 | 2.0.0 | geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec
95 | Active | 50 | 1.0.1 | geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec
99 | Active | 50 | 3.4.6 | ZooKeeper Bundle
129 | Active | 80 | 2.0.13 | Apache MINA Core
132 | Active | 50 | 7.0.1 | Apache ServiceMix :: ActiveMQ :: Camel
133 | Active | 50 | 7.0.1 | Apache ServiceMix :: ActiveMQ :: Service
136 | Active | 50 | | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: dom4j
138 | Active | 50 | | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jasypt
142 | Active | 50 | | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jdom
143 | Active | 50 | | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: kxml2
156 | Active | 50 | | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: velocity
160 | Active | 50 | 1.1.4.c | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xpp3
161 | Active | 50 | | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xstream
171 | Active | 50 | 4.2.0 | Apache XBean :: OSGI Blueprint Namespace Handler
202 | Active | 50 | 0.6.4 | JAXB2 Basics - Runtime
215 | Active | 50 | 2.11.0.v20140415-163722-cac6383e66 | Scala Standard Library
227 | Active | 50 | 5.14.5 | activemq-web-console
268 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-netty
269 | Active | 50 | 3.10.5.Final | Netty
270 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-netty-http
271 | Active | 50 | 4.0.34.Final | Netty/Buffer
272 | Active | 50 | 4.0.34.Final | Netty/Codec
273 | Active | 50 | 4.0.34.Final | Netty/Common
274 | Active | 50 | 4.0.34.Final | Netty/Handler
275 | Active | 50 | 4.0.34.Final | Netty/Transport
276 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-netty4
277 | Active | 50 | 4.0.34.Final | Netty/Codec/HTTP
278 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-netty4-http
285 | Active | 50 | 2.16.5 | camel-jmx
339 | Active | 50 | 5.14.5 | activemq-cf
360 | Failure | 80 | 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT | camel-http-test
activemq-client | 5.14.5 | | Started | activemq-core-5.14.5
activemq-cf | 5.14.5 | x | Started | activemq-core-5.14.5
activemq | 5.14.5 | | Started | activemq-core-5.14.5
examples-activemq-camel-blueprint | 7.0.1 | | Uninstalled | servicemix-examples-7.0.1
activemq-broker-noweb | 5.14.5 | x | Started | activemq-5.14.5
activemq-broker | 5.14.5 | x | Started | activemq-5.14.5
activemq-camel | 5.14.5 | x | Started | activemq-5.14.5
activemq-web-console | 5.14.5 | x | Started | activemq-5.14.5
activemq-blueprint | 5.14.5 | x | Started | activemq-5.14.5
activemq-amqp-client | 5.14.5 | | Uninstalled | activemq-5.14.5

camel-jms | 2.16.5 | x | Started | camel-2.16.5
camel-jmx | 2.16.5 | x | Started | camel-2.16.5
camel-core | 2.16.5 | | Started | camel-2.16.5
camel-catalog | 2.16.5 | | Uninstalled | camel-2.16.5
camel-spring | 2.16.5 | | Started | camel-2.16.5
[plz check the attached files]
--camelhttptest/[the error source]

2017-08-16 14:16:12,024 | ERROR | xtenderThread-54 | ContextLoaderListener | 217 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Application context refresh failed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=camel-http-test, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml))
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'camel': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class [org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent] for bean with name 'activemq' defined in URL [bundle://360.0:0/META-INF/spring/camel-context.xml]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent not found from bundle [camel-http-test]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.initializeBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1514)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:519)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:456)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory$1.getObject(AbstractBeanFactory.java:293)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:223)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:290)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:191)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.preInstantiateSingletons(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:620)[149:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.finishBeanFactoryInitialization(AbstractApplicationContext.java:942)[150:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context:3.2.18.RELEASE_1]
at org.springframework.osgi.context.support.AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext.access$1600(AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext.java:69)[216:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1]
at org.springframework.osgi.context.support.AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext$4.run(AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext.java:355)[216:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1]
at org.springframework.osgi.util.internal.PrivilegedUtils.executeWithCustomTCCL(PrivilegedUtils.java:85)[216:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1]
at org.springframework.osgi.context.support.AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext.completeRefresh(AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext.java:320)[216:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1]
at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor$CompleteRefreshTask.run(DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor.java:132)[217:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)[:1.8.0_05]

thank you!

·¢ËÍ×Ô Windows 10 °æÓÊŒþ<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>ÓŠÓÃ